今回ご紹介するのは、文から画像を生成する VQ-GAN+CLIP を使って、文から動画を作成する仕組みです。
*この仕組みの開発者は、vadim epstein 氏です。
昨年年初のDALL-Eの発表以降、文から画像を生成する VQ-GAN+CLIP の様々なモデルが提案されていますが、これ使って面白い動画を作ってやろうという今回のモチベーションです。
コードはGoogle Colabで動かす形にしてGithubに上げてありますので、それに沿って説明して行きます。自分で動かしてみたい方は、この「リンク」をクリックし表示されたノートブックの先頭にある「Colab on Web」ボタンをクリックすると動かせます。
まず、google colab で割り当てられたGPUを確認します。ここで注意したいのは、T4/P4/P100のどれかが割り当てられていることを確認することです。K80が割り当てられた場合は、迷わず「ランタイム/ランタイムを接続解除して削除」をクリックして、再度トライして下さい。K80でも動きますが、めっちゃ遅いです。
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#@title **GPU チェック** #@markdown 割り当てられたGPUが**T4/P4/P100**のどれかであることを確認してください(K80はめっちゃ遅いので、お勧めしません) !nvidia-smi -L |
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#@title **セットアップ** !pip install ftfy==5.8 transformers !pip install gputil ffpb # !apt-get -qq install ffmpeg work_dir = '/content/illustrip' import os os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) %cd $work_dir import os import io import time import math import random import imageio import numpy as np import PIL from base64 import b64encode import shutil from easydict import EasyDict as edict a = edict() import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision from torchvision import transforms as T from torch.autograd import Variable from IPython.display import HTML, Image, display, clear_output from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" import ipywidgets as ipy from google.colab import output, files import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") !pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git --no-deps import clip !pip install sentence_transformers from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer !pip install kornia import kornia !pip install lpips import lpips !pip install PyWavelets==1.1.1 !pip install git+https://github.com/fbcotter/pytorch_wavelets !pip install git+https://github.com/eps696/aphantasia from aphantasia.image import to_valid_rgb, fft_image, rfft2d_freqs, img2fft, pixel_image, un_rgb from aphantasia.utils import basename, file_list, img_list, img_read, txt_clean, plot_text, old_torch from aphantasia.utils import slice_imgs, derivat, pad_up_to, slerp, checkout, sim_func, latent_anima from aphantasia import transforms from aphantasia.progress_bar import ProgressIPy as ProgressBar %cd $work_dir !git clone https://github.com/cedro3/aphantasia.git --recursive work_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'aphantasia') %cd $work_dir from depth import depth # !wget https://github.com/eps696/aphantasia/blob/master/mask.jpg?raw=true -O mask.jpg depth_mask_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'depth', 'mask.jpg') %cd /content def save_img(img, fname=None): img = np.array(img)[:,:,:] img = np.transpose(img, (1,2,0)) img = np.clip(img*255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) if fname is not None: imageio.imsave(fname, np.array(img)) imageio.imsave('result.jpg', np.array(img)) def makevid(seq_dir, size=None): char_len = len(basename(img_list(seq_dir)[0])) out_sequence = seq_dir + '/%0{}d.jpg'.format(char_len) out_video = seq_dir + '.mp4' print('.. generating video ..') !ffmpeg -y -v warning -i $out_sequence -crf 18 $out_video %cd /content/illustrip/aphantasia/ from function import * |
それでは動画を作成してみましょう。contentに文章、styleにスタイルを記入します。ここでは、contentは「Pollinations is a system designed to produce joy in the form of honey.(受粉は、蜂蜜の形で喜びを生み出すように設計されたシステムです)」、styleは「Illustration by Ernst Haeckel(エルンスト・ヘッケルによるイラスト)」で実行します。
動画が完成すると、自動的に動画を表示・ダウンロードします(ブラウザは必ずgoogle chromeを使って下さい)。もし、ダウンロードしない場合は、aphantasiaフォルダに動画が保存されていますので、手動でダウンロードして下さい。
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#@title **動画の作成** # ============ # Setting # ============ %cd /content/illustrip/aphantasia/ content = "Pollinations is a system designed to produce joy in the form of honey." #@param {type:"string"} style = "Illustration by Ernst Haeckel" #@param {type:"string"} resume = False #@param {type:"boolean"} texts = [content] styles = [style] workname = txt_clean(content)[:44] if resume: print('Upload file to resume from') resumed = files.upload() resumed = list(resumed.keys()) size_opt(resumed[0]) resumed_filename = resumed[0] assert len(texts) > 0 and len(texts[0]) > 0, 'No input text[s] found!' tempdir = os.path.join(work_dir, workname) os.makedirs(tempdir, exist_ok=True) print('main dir', tempdir) rotation = True #@param {type:"boolean"} three_d = True #@param {type:"boolean"} if rotation: rotate = 0.8 else: rotate =0 if three_d: DepthStrength = 0.01 else: DepthStrength =0 sideX = 640 #param {type:"integer"} sideY = 360 #param {type:"integer"} steps = 200 frame_step = 100 # Config method = 'RGB' model = 'ViT-B/32' # Setting align = 'overscan' colors = 2.3 contrast = 1.2 sharpness = -1. aug_noise = 0. smooth = False interpolate_topics = True style_power = 1. samples = 200 save_step = 1 learning_rate = 1. optimizer = 'adam' aug_transform = 'fast' #param ["elastic", "custom", "fast", "none"] {allow-input: true} similarity_function = 'mixed' macro = 0.4 enforce = 0. expand = 0. zoom = 0.012 shift = 10 #rotate = 0.8 #@param {type:"number"} #0.8 distort = 0.3 animate_them = True sample_decrease = 1. #DepthStrength = 0. save_depth = False print(' loading CLIP model..') model_clip, _ = clip.load(model, jit=old_torch()) modsize = model_clip.visual.input_resolution #%cd $work_dir clear_output() print(' using CLIP model', model) if resume: img_in = imageio.imread(resumed_filename) # params_tmp = torch.Tensor(img_in).permute(2,0,1).unsqueeze(0).float().cuda() params_tmp = 3.3 * un_rgb(img_in, colors=2.) sideY, sideX = img_in.shape[0], img_in.shape[1] else: params_tmp = torch.randn(1, 3, sideY, sideX).cuda() # * 0.01 # ================= # Add 3D depth # ================= depth_model = 'nyu' # @ param ["nyu","kitti"] save_depth = False #param{type:"boolean"} MaskBlurAmt = 33 size = (sideY,sideX) %cd $work_dir if DepthStrength != 0: if not os.path.exists("AdaBins_nyu.pt"): !gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1lvyZZbC9NLcS8a__YPcUP7rDiIpbRpoF if not os.path.exists('AdaBins_nyu.pt'): !wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/tayczpcydoco12s/AdaBins_nyu.pt if save_depth: depthdir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'depth') os.makedirs(depthdir, exist_ok=True) print('depth dir', depthdir) else: depthdir = None depth_infer, depth_mask = depth.init_adabins(size=size, model_path='AdaBins_nyu.pt', mask_path=depth_mask_file) def depth_transform(img_t, depth_infer, depth_mask, size, depthX=0, scale=1., shift=[0,0], colors=1, depth_dir=None, save_num=0): size2 = [s//2 for s in size] if not isinstance(scale, float): scale = float(scale[0]) # d X/Y define the origin point of the depth warp, effectively a "3D pan zoom", [-1..1] # plus = look ahead, minus = look aside dX = 100. * shift[0] / size[1] dY = 100. * shift[1] / size[0] # dZ = movement direction: 1 away (zoom out), 0 towards (zoom in), 0.5 stay dZ = 0.5 + 32. * (scale-1) img = depth.depthwarp(img_t, depth_infer, depth_mask, size2, depthX, [dX,dY], dZ, save_path=depth_dir, save_num=save_num) return img # ============= # Generate # ============= clear_output() ### if aug_transform == 'elastic': trform_f = transforms.transforms_elastic sample_decrease *= 0.95 elif aug_transform == 'custom': trform_f = transforms.transforms_custom sample_decrease *= 0.95 elif aug_transform == 'fast': trform_f = transforms.transforms_fast sample_decrease *= 0.95 print(' using fast aug transforms') else: trform_f = transforms.normalize() if enforce != 0: sample_decrease *= 0.5 samples = int(samples * sample_decrease) print(' using %s method, %d samples, %s optimizer' % (method, samples, optimizer)) print(' roate = '+str(rotate), 'DepthStrength = '+str(DepthStrength)) ### def enc_text(txt): emb = model_clip.encode_text(clip.tokenize(txt).cuda()[:77]) return emb.detach().clone() # Encode inputs count = 0 # max count of texts and styles key_txt_encs = [enc_text(txt) for txt in texts] count = max(count, len(key_txt_encs)) key_styl_encs = [enc_text(style) for style in styles] count = max(count, len(key_styl_encs)) assert count > 0, "No inputs found!" glob_steps = count * steps # saving if glob_steps == frame_step: frame_step = glob_steps // 2 # otherwise no motion outpic = ipy.Output() outpic params_tmp = params_tmp.detach() # animation controls if animate_them: m_scale = latent_anima([1], glob_steps, frame_step, uniform=True, cubic=True, start_lat=[-0.3]) m_scale = 1 + (m_scale + 0.3) * zoom # only zoom in m_shift = latent_anima([2], glob_steps, frame_step, uniform=True, cubic=True, start_lat=[0.5,0.5]) m_angle = latent_anima([1], glob_steps, frame_step, uniform=True, cubic=True, start_lat=[0.5]) m_shear = latent_anima([1], glob_steps, frame_step, uniform=True, cubic=True, start_lat=[0.5]) m_shift = (m_shift-0.5) * shift * abs(m_scale-1.) / zoom m_angle = (m_angle-0.5) * rotate * abs(m_scale-1.) / zoom m_shear = (m_shear-0.5) * distort * abs(m_scale-1.) / zoom def get_encs(encs, num): cnt = len(encs) if cnt == 0: return [] enc_1 = encs[min(num, cnt-1)] enc_2 = encs[min(num+1, cnt-1)] return slerp(enc_1, enc_2, steps) def frame_transform(img, size, angle, shift, scale, shear): if old_torch(): # 1.7.1 img = T.functional.affine(img, angle, shift, scale, shear, fillcolor=0, resample=PIL.Image.BILINEAR) img = T.functional.center_crop(img, size) img = pad_up_to(img, size) else: # 1.8+ img = T.functional.affine(img, angle, shift, scale, shear, fill=0, interpolation=T.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR) img = T.functional.center_crop(img, size) # on 1.8+ also pads return img prev_enc = 0 def process(num): global params_tmp, opt_state, params, image_f, optimizer, pbar if interpolate_topics: txt_encs = get_encs(key_txt_encs, num) styl_encs = get_encs(key_styl_encs, num) else: txt_encs = [key_txt_encs[min(num, len(key_txt_encs)-1)][0]] * steps if len(key_txt_encs) > 0 else [] styl_encs = [key_styl_encs[min(num, len(key_styl_encs)-1)][0]] * steps if len(key_styl_encs) > 0 else [] if len(texts) > 0: print(' ref text: ', texts[min(num, len(texts)-1)][:80]) if len(styles) > 0: print(' ref style: ', styles[min(num, len(styles)-1)][:80]) for ii in range(steps): glob_step = num * steps + ii # saving/transforming # get encoded inputs txt_enc = txt_encs[ii % len(txt_encs)].unsqueeze(0) if len(txt_encs) > 0 else None styl_enc = styl_encs[ii % len(styl_encs)].unsqueeze(0) if len(styl_encs) > 0 else None ### animation: transform frame, reload params h, w = sideY, sideX # transform frame for motion scale = m_scale[glob_step] if animate_them else 1-zoom trans = tuple(m_shift[glob_step]) if animate_them else [0, shift] angle = m_angle[glob_step][0] if animate_them else rotate shear = m_shear[glob_step][0] if animate_them else distort if DepthStrength != 0: params_tmp = depth_transform(params_tmp, depth_infer, depth_mask, size, DepthStrength, scale, trans, colors, depthdir, glob_step) params_tmp = frame_transform(params_tmp, (h,w), angle, trans, scale, shear) params, image_f, _ = pixel_image([1,3,h,w], resume=params_tmp) img_tmp = None image_f = to_valid_rgb(image_f, colors=colors) del img_tmp if optimizer.lower() == 'adamw': optimr = torch.optim.AdamW(params, learning_rate, weight_decay=0.01, amsgrad=True) elif optimizer.lower() == 'adamw_custom': optimr = torch.optim.AdamW(params, learning_rate, weight_decay=0.01, amsgrad=True, betas=(.0,.999)) elif optimizer.lower() == 'adam': optimr = torch.optim.Adam(params, learning_rate) else: # adam_custom optimr = torch.optim.Adam(params, learning_rate, betas=(.0,.999)) if smooth is True and num + ii > 0: optimr.load_state_dict(opt_state) ### optimization for ss in range(save_step): loss = 0 noise = aug_noise * (torch.rand(1, 1, *params[0].shape[2:4], 1)-0.5).cuda() if aug_noise > 0 else 0. img_out = image_f(noise, fixcontrast=resume) img_sliced = slice_imgs([img_out], samples, modsize, trform_f, align, macro)[0] out_enc = model_clip.encode_image(img_sliced) #if method == 'RGB': # empirical hack loss += abs(img_out.mean((2,3)) - 0.45).mean() # fix brightness loss += abs(img_out.std((2,3)) - 0.17).sum() # fix contrast if txt_enc is not None: loss -= sim_func(txt_enc, out_enc, similarity_function) if styl_enc is not None: loss -= style_power * sim_func(styl_enc, out_enc, similarity_function) if sharpness != 0: # mode = scharr|sobel|naive loss -= sharpness * derivat(img_out, mode='naive') # loss -= sharpness * derivat(img_sliced, mode='scharr') if enforce != 0: img_sliced = slice_imgs([image_f(noise, fixcontrast=resume)], samples, modsize, trform_f, align, macro)[0] out_enc2 = model_clip.encode_image(img_sliced) loss -= enforce * sim_func(out_enc, out_enc2, similarity_function) del out_enc2; torch.cuda.empty_cache() if expand > 0: global prev_enc if ii > 0: loss += expand * sim_func(prev_enc, out_enc, similarity_function) prev_enc = out_enc.detach().clone() del img_out, img_sliced, out_enc; torch.cuda.empty_cache() optimr.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimr.step() ### save params & frame params_tmp = params[0].detach().clone() if smooth is True: opt_state = optimr.state_dict() with torch.no_grad(): img_t = image_f(contrast=contrast, fixcontrast=resume)[0].permute(1,2,0) img_np = torch.clip(img_t*255, 0, 255).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) imageio.imsave(os.path.join(tempdir, '%05d.jpg' % glob_step), img_np, quality=95) shutil.copy(os.path.join(tempdir, '%05d.jpg' % glob_step), 'result.jpg') outpic.clear_output() with outpic: display(Image('result.jpg')) del img_t pbar.upd() params_tmp = params[0].detach().clone() outpic = ipy.Output() outpic pbar = ProgressBar(glob_steps) for i in range(count): process(i) makevid(tempdir) clear_output() print('waiting for play movie ...') display_mp4(tempdir + '.mp4') files.download(tempdir + '.mp4') |
もう1つやってみましょう。今度は、contentは「blizzard village at sunset painting」、styleは「digital art」、resume「OFF」、rotation「OFF」、three_d「ON」です。

contentは「Steempunk Mona Lisa」、styleは「digital art」、resume「ON」、rotation「OFF」、three_d「ON」です。